I dunno why they didnt let anyone call on Christmas, probably cuz the lines would be too long.Urg, it was so hard saying goodbye to my elders yesterday, but i know they are going to be awesome!
so it hasnt failed yet, sister erekson and i got locked out again. and we both lost our card keys...what the heck? XD
i sure hope that i havent wasted my time here, surely i havent. overall i feel so good about my mtc experince...granted i dont want to repeat it ever again but still.
Ack! i miss playing Volleyball with the Japanese and Thai missionaries! they were so much fun! :3 not to be boastful or anything but i haz mad volleyball skillz now ;)
I think i learned a valuble lesson last week. Christmas day elder nelson came and spoke to us..right after our huge christmas dinner..(okay who set that one up? shouldnt they know we would be drowsy after such a huge and delicious meal??) Needless to say i dozed off and missed a ton of good information. I felt so sad and upset with myself that night that i decided never to fall asleep in a meeting again.
So on sunday i was attentive as sister nelson spoke in relief society, and i learned so much! hopefully the things i learned in that meeting will carry over to my mission! XD
orz i think the stress is getting to me again though, my jaw is giving me problems again. I've decided though that it probably is just the stress and there really wont be anything i can do about it so i'll just live with it till i get home. ah! and i didnt gain any weight until the first package came with treats (Elder Humphreys' mom sent him one the first of December and we all pretty much have been pigging out since then XD) but Thay Kiet said that the weight just falls off you in Cambodia so i'm not really concerned about it. :)
I'm so thankful for the elders that i was with here in the mtc. i dunno what i'm gonna do without them. they've all become my 1 older brother and 5 younger brothers. XD I was with Elder Lam and Elder Hammond the longest, and i broke my heart to watch them go. but somehow we said our good byes now we have to go on and do the work!
oh i cant wait to call you all today! i sure hope you read this before hand so you're aware of my calling late today!
I dunno what else to say aside from I'm so happy to be serving the Lord! These past 12 weeks have gone by super fast and i'm sure the next 15 months will go even faster! I love you all and thank you so much for all of your support and prayers and letters and packages!! *hugs and loves*
well sister erekson and i have to go clean our room now! i will talk to you all in just a few hours hopefully!! and i'll tell you how my name is pronounced! :D yay!
Chi Ca Holloway