Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Passing of a Gospel Scholar

We just heard that Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin passed away. How sad. I have to mention this because my sister-in-law Laura is one of his grand-daughters and married to my brother, Scott. Our hearts go out to their family at this time of sorrow and they will be in our prayers.

Good-bye Elder Wirthlin, now you are with your beloved wife.


Debbie said...

I was at first sad to hear the news of Wirthlin's passing. But I know he will finally be back with his wife again in the Celestial Kingdom.
He was the only authority that Joe and I have had the chance to meet in person. He shook our hands and said, "Join the Church! It's true!"

The Christensen Family said...

Chris texted me after seminary to tell me the news. I then text others. It's always sad when someone passes.

DSC said...

The viewing, funeral services, and other family activities were filled with joy. Although there were moments of sadness, the overwhelming spirit of the entire week was joyful. He was a good man who had lived a good life who needed rest. His Sunday had come. For those who didn't see the service, the funeral is on www.lds.org.