I look forward to each posting from my crochet along leader, Gloria, to see if we are adding more rows to this beautiful doily.
I could work ahead and get it all done in a matter of a couple of days, but it's been fun to work along with others in the group.
I might just join another crochet along when I find one.
I'm almost ready to put the detail in.
I'll actually probably work on this today while working on getting the laundry done.
I have to work on this one during daylight hours because my eyes have been giving me so many problems and I've been fighting migraines for the last two weeks.
All the lightbulbs in my house have decided to blowout at an incredible rate!
Before much longer we will be doing everything by candlelight!
Just kidding!
Your cross stitch is absolutely amazing. This will be a treasure for sure. And the doily is looking gorgeous. I love seeing the progress. Have a good evening.
Pam, I love your handi work. All of it is so precise and beautiul. Are you still sellilng any of it??
Love you, Pat
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